Monday, February 25, 2008

First Session in Second Life

I do not remember what the name of my group leader was but I do remember that I was in the group that I was in the group that visited the yoga and meditation sites. I did not do much there because I could not figure anything out.  I also did not have very much experience in the game (I'm a little better now).  I think that my group leader may have been having some technical problems also (but I don't quite remember).  I became really frustrated and that didn't help either.  
I didn't understand the point of having you avatar meditate.  They would just sit there and you would watch it.  I did not see much a point in doing that.  I didn't get to do any yoga so I can't really comment on that, but I think thats a silly thing to do too.

After class I decided to explore by myself.  I went to the one of the locations that has free items.  I found a free cigarette and learned how to smoke (even though I don't smoke in real life).  Then I searched for pineapple in the search area and went to the first location that I could teleport to.  When I got there I was on someone porch.  A guy was there and he told me that I had to leave because it was his island.  I thought it was weird that people can buy there own personal islands and have you removed if they want.  I left by myself because it was awkward enough already.

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